School timetable



Favourite subjects (RAP)

(school subjects)

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You gotta sing

You gotta sing

(warm up/Lugert-Verlag)

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The Litter Rap


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Christmas is coming



Christmas is coming


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Christmas is coming



Santa be fair

(How Rudy got his chance)

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Christmas is coming

Deck the hall with boughs of holly


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Tongue Twister



Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper


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Tongue Twister

Betty Botter bought some butter


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Tongue Twister

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?


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Campfire Song




I saw a bear



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You gotta sing

Shake my sillies out

warm up/ice-breaker


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Song by subject

No Christmas carol

(poverty & health)

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Songs by Subject



No Christmas carol


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Tongue Twister


Coming soon!


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Tongue Twister

Coming soon!


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